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Washington DC Car Insurance Requirements

cheapest auto insurance quotesThe minimum auto insurance requirements in D.C. is 25/50/10 with 25/50/5 of uninsured motorist insurance. What is the difference? The first set of numbers is your liability insurance. This is what you have to have in the way of coverage if you are at fault in an accident. Your insurance company will pay $25,000 in bodily injury expenses. This covers medical and funerals costs that come from the accident for one person to a total of $50,000 for all persons in the accident. $10,000 is for the repair or replacement of property that is damaged in the accident. This is only for what your car impacted and not for your vehicle.

The second set of numbers is for your protection. If the person that you have an accident with is at fault and has only the minimum coverage that we just spoke about, but it is not enough to cover all of your expenses. Your insurance will pick up the difference, up to $25,000 for one person for medical and funeral costs and $50,000 for all persons. The same goes for your property damage. They will pay $5,000 toward the repair and replacement of personal property.

If you are detained by an officer and found to not have proof of insurance on you it is an automatic $30 fine. If you allow your insurance to lapse, it is a $150 fine. Every day after the 30 day time period that you do not reinstate your insurance $7 will be added to your fine. The fine can go all the way up to $500. You can also end up losing your registration.

cheap car insurance in washington dcIt is always wise to consider purchasing more than the required amount of insurance for your vehicle because in the event that you are in a severe car accident that you are found to be at fault in, if the costs go above your purchased limits you will have to pay the remainder out of your own pocket. There have been cases where people have lost homes due to catastrophic accidents, needing the money to pay the additional expenses. This is definitely a case of where an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Compare Insurance Rates and see how much you can save today!

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